Kyoko 302 - Fourth_Wall

Yep! I need the feedback. And as I do not get any - here or on DA or on HF or on Tumblr or on Instagram or on FA or on FB or on Twitter or on Gelbooru or on Reddit or on MeWe or on Pixiv, (apart from my faithful friends Wesley, Yvon and Thomas - imagine that: twelve communities, eight years, three regular supporters! Amazing! No wonder, Trump "won" the election...), I have decided to start a brand-new presence amongst educated adults at the very young porn-community AdultNode, hosted on a British server (UK-laws apply! No censorship by stupid admins, to please stupid advertising clients! YAY!).

If you want to follow me there, here´s a direct link to my profile at - (if you click it, I get money) :D

Kommentare 4

  • Sliverbolt -

    Will always be here.

    • Tora -

      Are you still on Tumblr? I shut down my account.

    • Sliverbolt -

      Still am. Joined for the art. Will stay for it. Plus it's like the prohibition era. Secret porn blogs.

    • Tora -

      Ah, yes - you ARE from Chicago, so there´s a special connection :D